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Gainz Syrup x Booty Gummies Combo
1 bottle of syrup
12 booty gummies
✔ Butt/hips/thighs (Weight Gain) Syrup
✔ Enhance your feminine curves faster than just diet and exercise
✔ Our 100% all-natural ingredients also allow you to maintain a healthy weight and increase energy levels
✔ Gain lower body weight in your butt/hips/thighs only
✔ This can be added to smoothies, yogurt, etc!
X Do not consume if pregnant
X Do not consume if breasfeeding
Directions-: Take 2-3 tbsp a day with meals and be sure you eat 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between. Feel free to message us with any questions or concerns!
16 1 tbsp servings per bottle - 5 to 8 days supply - Recommended 2/3 bottles at a time
Ingredients-: Dong Quai, Honey, Aguaje, Chia Seeds, Yam, Maca Powder, Sweet whey protein, Casein Protein, Fenugreek seed, Clove, Soybeans, Dandelion greens, Maltodextrin, Ashwagandha, Saw Palmetto, Shativa, Pueraria Mirifica, Angelica Powder, Licorice, Cumin.
RESULTS VARY FROM 7 Days - 3 Months
12 booty gummies
✔ Butt/hips/thighs (Weight Gain) Syrup
✔ Enhance your feminine curves faster than just diet and exercise
✔ Our 100% all-natural ingredients also allow you to maintain a healthy weight and increase energy levels
✔ Gain lower body weight in your butt/hips/thighs only
✔ This can be added to smoothies, yogurt, etc!
X Do not consume if pregnant
X Do not consume if breasfeeding
Directions-: Take 2-3 tbsp a day with meals and be sure you eat 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between. Feel free to message us with any questions or concerns!
16 1 tbsp servings per bottle - 5 to 8 days supply - Recommended 2/3 bottles at a time
Ingredients-: Dong Quai, Honey, Aguaje, Chia Seeds, Yam, Maca Powder, Sweet whey protein, Casein Protein, Fenugreek seed, Clove, Soybeans, Dandelion greens, Maltodextrin, Ashwagandha, Saw Palmetto, Shativa, Pueraria Mirifica, Angelica Powder, Licorice, Cumin.
RESULTS VARY FROM 7 Days - 3 Months
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